Concurrency in Operating System
This is a summary about Concurrency in operating system. This also shows about advantages and drawbacks of concurrency.
Process Synchronization in Operating System
This is a summary about Process synchronization. This is related to 2 processes running the same code problem.
Concurrency vs Parallelism
This page shows you about the differences between concurrency and paralleism. This related to what is being executed at the same time.
Process vs Thread
This shows you the differences between processes and threads. A process could have few threads.
Operating System Scheduling Algorithms
This page explains about few Scheduling Algorithms. First-Come First-Served, Shortest-Job Next, Priority, Shortest Remaining Time,
Round Robin, and Multiple-Level Queues.
Pipe system call
pipe is how we could communicate between processes. This page also shows you example in C.
Orphan vs Zombie vs Daemon Processes
This explains about how processes could become Orphan, Zombie, or Daemon Processes.
States of Processes
The processes have its states, here is the short explanations of them.
Fork Function in C
This page gives examples in using the fork function in C.
Time Delay in C
This is a tutorial about sleep function to delay a process for a certain time.