Top 10 List of Week 01

Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Virtualization via Virtual Machines
    This is a post about Virtual Machines, types of virtualizations of VMs, the trends of it, also pros and cons of VMs. This is a good summary for anyone who wants to know about Virtual Machines and the illustrations of types of VMs are explanatory.

  2. Virtualization via Containers
    This is a post about containers, a virtualization that have been widely used today. This explains about containers and the pros and cons of it.

  3. Multicores and Virtualization Recommendations
    This is a comparison between Virtual Machines and Containers. This also includes advices in choosing between those two.

  4. What is Virtualization?
    This is a short summary about virtualization, why does that idea exist, and types of virtualizations.

  5. Virtualization
    This is a summary of Virtualization by IBM. This also explains about Cloud Virtualizations.

  6. How to Write Regular Expressions?
    I recommend this for someone who needs to learn and try regular expressions.

  7. Regex101
    I use this site to check if the regular expression I made match with the intended target

  8. Vim Basics in 8 minutes
    I was puzzled by vim controls until I watch this video. This video really helps me getting into basics of Vim.

  9. Vim 101: Beginners guide to vim
    If you prefer a written guide than a video, I suggest you to read this.

  10. 12 Vim Tricks by Dalibor Nasevic
    Need to learn more on how to use vim. You might read this as well.

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