Top 10 List of Week 04

Top 10 List of Week 04

  1. Paging in Operating System - GeekForGeeks
    This page is an alternative for you who wants to learn about paging. Also see how translation Look-aside buffer (TLB) act as a cache in order to access through large entries in page table.

  2. Paging in Operating System(OS)
    This page shows you about paging and segmentation. This also gives you good ilustration about it. It also tells you about the advantages and disadvantages of using them.

  3. Types of Paging in Operating System
    This tells you about types of paging in operating system. Simple explanation.

  4. Static and Dynamic Libraries
    This shows you about Static and Dynamic Libraries in C. This also gives you example on how to make simple program about it.

  5. Static and Dynamic Linking in Operating Systems
    This shows you the differencess between static and dynamic linking. It’s simple and understandable.

  6. Makefile Tutorial
    This site gives you a tutorial about Makefile. Actually, you could try every example given from this page.

  7. Makefile Cheat Sheet
    This is a cheat sheet about using makefile. I think this is helpful for you who want to understand quickly.

  8. Double Pointer in C
    This is a tutorial about creating pointer to pointer. It’s simple and helpful.

  9. Pointer to Pointer to Pointer???
    This just an explanation about possibilities of usung a pointer to pointer to pointer in C/C++.

  10. C Sturctures - TutorialsPoint
    This is a tutorial about C structures. This is simple and gives good example about it.

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