Top 10 List of Week 07

Top 10 List of Week 07

  1. Process Synchronization in Operating System
    This is a summary about Process synchronization. This is related to 2 processes running the same code problem.

  2. Semaphores in Operating System
    This page tells you about semaphores used in process synchronization.

  3. Petterson’s Solution
    This page shows you Petterson’s solution, how it’s done, and its weaknesses.

  4. Starvation and Deadlock
    This page let you know about Starvation adn Deadlock. This also shows you the conditions deadlock could occur.

  5. Bounded-Buffer Problem
    This is a page about Bounded-Buffer Problem, it’s also called the producer consumer problem. This page also gives the example solution of the problem.

  6. Reader-Writer Problem
    This is Reader-Writer Problem. It came with the solution of the problem.

  7. Dining Philosophers Problem
    This is Dining Philosophers Problem. This page also came with a solution of the problem.

  8. SetUID, setGID, and Sticky Bits
    This page tells you about setUID, setGID, and Sticky Bits related to Permissions in Operating System.

  9. Deadlock Ignorance
    This page tells you about deadlock ignorance. Some said that the best way to solve deadlocks are to prevent it in the first place and the solution of the already occured deadlocks is to break it down in order to be efficient.

  10. The Sleeping Barber Problem
    This page tells you about the sleeping barber problem. This also gives the solution.

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