Top 10 List of Week 03

Top 10 List of Week 03

  1. How to Create tar.gz file in Linux using command line
    How to make tar.gz file? This site will tell you how.

  2. File Systems on Operating Systems
    This will get you to learn about an overview of file systems. This includes File Directory and File allocation method.

  3. Operating System - File System - Tutorialspoint
    Here is another reference about Operating Systems. This includes File Structure, File Type, File Access Mechanism, and Space Allocation.

  4. What is File Storage?
    This is an interesting site that describes what is file storage and there is another kind of storage that is efficient.

  5. File systems in Operating Systems: Structure, Attribute, Types
    This site explains about file system in operating systems. This includes Structure, Attribute, and Types.

  6. Disadvantages of the Traditional File Systems
    This is the problems of the traditional File Systems. This is the reason web apps would rather store information using dbms.

  7. 7 Ways to determine the file system type on linux
    These are the ways to know what file system types you used on Linux. You could try it on your Guest.

  8. Differences of FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS File System
    There are many types offile systems. This will show you what the differences of these file systems.

  9. Linux File System Explained
    This is a small portion about file system in Linux. This gives you a minimum knowledge in order to be able to configure your file storage.

  10. A high-level discussion about Linux File System concepts
    This is an overview about Linux File System. This also explains about a lot of file system types and mounting.

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