Top 10 List of Week 02

Top 10 List of Week 02

  1. OWASP Top Ten Web Application Security Risk
    This is Open Web Application Security Project Top ten security risk that developer should keep in mind. Don’t worry if you don’t understand all of this, you just take an overview of it. for you, this might be unrelated. For me, this could be related in app deployment stuffs.

  2. How Computer Viruses Work
    This is an overview on how computer viruses work. I think this overview is neat and has the history behind the computer virus. This also includes tips on how to secure your computer from these viruses.

  3. How Antivirus Software works
    This is an article about how antivirus works to detect incoming or existing virus on insecure OS. It’s really interesting to see how it works behind the scene of scanning and real time protection.

  4. How PGP Works
    This is an introduction to PGP and its uses today. The illustrations are helping in explaining encryption. This also explains about how encryption developed.

  5. What is a Computer Worm
    This is an overview on how computer worm infect computers and be used to do some damage. This also includes on how to prevent that from happening.

  6. Introduction to Linux Security
    This is an Introduction to Linux Security. This includes definition of crackers and hackers, also the known risks in linux.

  7. Generating an SHA-256 Hash from the Command Line
    This is a little tutorial on how to use SHA-256 hash to verify the integrity of files.

  8. Undestanding Worms, Their Behaviour and Containing them
    This is a more comprehensive report on Worms. It includes popular worms, designing worms, detecting worms, and ways to contain them.

  9. Encryption on the wired and wireless
    This is an article about how data could be secured. This includes how data could be stolen and how internet connections were secured.

  10. Have I Been Pwned
    This site is known to check if your data were compromisedbased on your email.

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